

  1. [video] Git Tutorial for Beginners by Code-With-Mosh.
  2. [Paid Course] Ultimate Git by Code-with-Mosh is very good. Covers, additional topics like Collaboration, Advanced Branching strategies, etc.
  3. [video] Git and Github for Beginners - Crash Course from freeCodeCamp.org
  4. [book] Pro Git
  5. [web] Learn Git Branching - an interactive way to learn git branching

Git Actions

  1. [Documentation] Quick Start Github offocial documentation
  2. [video] Git Actions for CI/CD


  1. [book] The Docker Handbook Book
  2. [Paid Course] The Ultimate Docker Course by Code-with-Mosh is very good.
  3. [tutotial] Please-Contain-Yourself. Liked the title :)