Midterm Bonus Problem
Reading/ Coding
- Building a Large Language Model (From Scratch). Book by Sebastian Raschka
- Axiomatic Attribution for Deep Networks. This paper was the precursor to XAI methods like Grad-CAM and Grad-CAM++ and variants.
- Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples(2014). This was the precursor to many adversarial attacks papers and robustness methods in DL and grown into a massive research area with implications in AI security.
- code Compute gradients of a Deep Network w.r.t to inputs and apply them in XAI and Adversatial Attacks. Video tutorial here
- Create Midterm-Bonus branch of your private AI-839 repo.
- Verify that you can pre-train 150M GPT-2 small model based on code of Building LLMs from Scratch. Highly recommend reading this book by Sebastian Raschka.
- Verify that you can fine-tune with GPT-2 small model on a binary classification task. Consider the spam/ham example dataset provided in there.
- Verify that you can compute gradients w.r.t to inputs and the weights of the model.
Due by
11.59PM IST, Tuesday, 15th Oct, 2024.
- Right to Erasure act of GDPR
- This HW focuses on the ability to implement techniques to enforce the “right to erase” policy
- Create a branch named hw06 of your private repo.
- Treat the model you have built in HW-04 as your baseline, call it Model A
- Imagine the first 10 records were to be erased.
- Implement a strategy s.t those 10 records will not be used in any future predictions. Update the API, and Data and Model cards to reflect this change.
- Suggest a method to implement “right to erasure” such that, even all past predictions that were influenced by the 10 records will be re-scored, and pushed.
Due by
11.59PM IST, Friday, 18th Oct, 2024.
- mlflow Read mlflow documentation
- kedro-mlflow Read kedro-mlflow plug-in documentation
- This HW focuses on Model Comparison and Continuous Improvement
- It builds on HW03-04. See instructions for HW-03, HW-04.
- Create a branch named hw05 of your private repo.
- Treat the model you have built in HW-04 as your baseline, call it Model A
- A new tranche of data is shared with you on google drive.
- Asses the performance of Model A on this new tranche data. Is the model performing well on all metrics (i.e data drift)?
- Develop an alternate model, call it Model B. Run a Hypothesis test to see Model B is better than Model A on new tranche of data shared in your private repo.
- Deploy Model B if the performance is better than Model A on the new tranche of data. Update metadata of the API to reflect the new model version being used to make the predictions.
Due by
11.59PM IST, Tuesday, 24th Sep, 2024.
- Write a separate monitoring pipeline. It is exactly the evaluation pipeline except that it runs on the new ground truth data.
- Conditionally, trigger a re-training pipeline, which is again exactly, the training pipeline when the strategy to update the model is retraining on new data or all data including the new delta.
- Add a new model comparison pipeline
- Using git-hooks, deploy the model if the performance is satisfactory.
- Automate as much as possible.
- mlflow Read mlflow documentation
- kedro-mlflow Read kedro-mlflow plug-in documentation
- This HW focuses on Deployment and Monitoring.
- It builds on HW03. See instructions for HW-03.
- Create a branch named hw04 of your private repo.
- Make sure that
- Define the request and response structure of the API. Provide API documentation.
- Model is deployed and API is available via kedro-mlflow plug-in.
- Model usage is logged
Due by
11.59PM IST, Friday, 13th Sep, 2024.
- Separate inference pipeline from the training pipeline. Inference pipeline includes the pre-processors, if any, model loading, and model prediction functions. Typically, only models are exposed as inference APIs. This may not work always. Guess why?
- Train any pre-processors like standard scaler, label encoding after splitting the data into train, test. Not before splitting. Guess why?
- Evidently: Read Evidently, an ML & Data Quality and Monitoring tool.
- Ch 8 of ML System Design
- Blogs from Great Expectations
- This HW focuses on Data-driven code structure, documentation, code hygiene, testing, and data quality assessment & reporting.
- A Google Drive folder with your github handle is shared. This contains a dataset.
- Create a branch named hw03 of your private repo.
- Similar to the Kedro spaceflights tutorial, write your data loading, model training, and testing, pipeline interms of nodes and pipelines.
- Make sure that
- APIs are documented with quartodoc
- Code is linted and formatted (with ruff)
- Nodes and Pipelines are Unit tested (with PyTest).
- Data Quality and Drift Detection Test suites using Evidently are run and the reports are represented as Plotly nodes in Kedro .
- Automated test to detect distribution drift of target variable(represented as y in the dataset) between Train and Test splits is run using Evidently. The pipeline fails if distribution drift is detected.
- API documentation
- use docstrings in code so that they can be parsed and rendered into code documentation automatically. You do not have to write it your self separately.
- code and documentation should co-exist and should be written at the same time, so that changes in code will and should be reflected in the documentation immediately.
- Know what tests evidently runs, and read the documentation. Running the software is not sufficient.
Due by
11.59PM IST, Friday, 06th Sep, 2024.
- Data Cards: Purposeful and Transparent Dataset Documentation for Responsible AIpaper blog from Google Research.
- Download the soybean tabular dataset version v1 with dataset id 42 from openML.
- Make sure that a repo is already created (as you would have done in HW-01) with repo name “your first name-ai-839” and git handle dhavala is given read and write access.
- Create a new branch name hw02
- Under notebooks folder, create a new notebook with markdown and cell tags to implement Data Cards.
- Using pymfe, include some useful properties of the dataset in the Data Card - - Make sure that any changes in the dataset get reflected automatically in the Data Card. Specifically, if the dataset id 1023 (refers to its version v2), Data Card should reflect any changes in the new version of the data.
- The CLeAR framework has some really nice goals for a document. A document must be 1) comparable 2) legible 3) actionable and 4) robust to achieve an aspect of AI Transparency. Here we are talking about documenting Data, Models, and AI Systems.
Due by
11.59PM IST, Friday, 23rd August, 2024.
- Like Project Cards, identify clear sections. For example, Data Cards should address
- why was the data collected (if we know it)
- When was collected
- Who collected
- What was collected. Is there sensitive data? If so, what are they?
- Description/profile of the data
- Sample data
- Most datasets on the internet do not have any of these attributes. Imagine, someone gives you a CSV file without the headers? Will that be useful? Put the end user first.
- The instruction was to use pymfe as it can routinely gather most statistics. Data Cards is not a data scientist’s jupyer notebook. Neatly format. Do not treat Data Cards as notebook with code blocks and output cells. It is data-driven document. It is neither a document with static content or jupyter notebook.
- Use modern publishing tools like quarto which erase the boundary between word processors like word and EDA notebooks. Do not reinvent the wheel and render your own markdown strings from notebook cell outouts.
- Focus is on data-driven documentation.
- Chip Huyen’s Lecture Notes on ML in Production. Intro here
- Phase Zero of MLOps from ml-ops.org blogs. Very useful and nicely done
- Towards CRISP-ML(Q): A Machine Learning Process Model with QA Methodology
- Project Canvas from Gokul Mohandas’s course
- AI Canvas
- Pick your favorite problem. Complete the information required in the project card template
- Create a new kedro project with repo name “your first name-ai-839”. Documentation here
- Push it to github. Give read read/write acces to git handle dhavala
- Create a branch “hw01”. Under notebooks folder, copy project card template
- Complete the Project Card, commit and push the notebook to your github (remote) repo.
Due by
11.59PM IST, Tuesday, 13th August, 2024.
- Complete all sections - even if the problem is hypothetical.
- In reality, authoring Project Cards is an iterative and collaborative exercise. But in this HW, you are forced to think through. Information may be inaccurate but should not be incomplete. Recall that one of the objective of the CLeAR framework is to make documentation comparable. If some sections of this standard template are missing, these docs can not be compared.
- Business View
- was the hard part to get it right. Often, models, ML metrics, features of the ML model crept into this section. Very little ML will go into this section.
- Business View: Background
- Do not describe the solution. Describe the situation of the user. It is like the backdrop. It should describe the “where” of your solution. Once the why section is read through, it should resonate well. Marketing & Sales teams, Product and User Research teams should be consulted (or lead by them).
- In the Business View: Problem section, often solution is outlined. Don’t commit to a solution just as yet. Describe the problem - what to be solved, not how it is being solved. It is not the ML problem yet. Think of this way. Even of the solution does not involve ML, it could still have been a good problem to solve.
- Business View: Customer
- Keep it as specific as possible. Simply put, every additional adjective, and qualifier will identify the customer better.
- Business View: Value Proposition
- It is largely about reduction in something or improvement of something by a certain quantity.
- It is largely about reduction in something or improvement of something by a certain quantity.
- Business View: Product
- It is not about the features. Features is not equal to experience. Focus on the experience, journey, workflow of the user. Think of user stories. One should almost be able to visualize how they will use your solution and get benefit from.
- Business View: Objectives
- Objectives are not wishlists. An objective should at least have a deliverable (outcome) and a timeline.
- Business View: Risks & Challenges
- Probably, we should can keep ML Risks separate. Here, it is about Viability, Adoption and Scalability of the Solution and the assumptions went into it.
- Data challenges are real and most pressing.
- Is the eco-system ready to handle ML responses? Can the users handle wrong information? Is there a redressal/ recourse mechanism?
- The user has knowledge of the application? In other words, can user review the information provided by the application or naively believes the results?
- This is the most paradoxical issue with ML. Are you solving the problem from the past? The historical data is about the past. But do we expect the world to live that way? Is ML necessary, could it have been solved differently?