02A: Grounding MLOps


Date: Tuesday, 06-Aug-2024.


  1. Read the motivation for MLOps from this blog.
  2. Review W01-L01-Deck based on this from Chip Huyen’s CS329S: ML System Design Fall’22 @ Stanford


  1. ML Production Myths W01-L01-Deck
  2. Software 1.0 vs Software 2.0. See this W01-L02-Deck
  3. MLOps Motivation
  4. AI/ML Canvas from ml-ops.org Phase-Zero, Gokul Mohandas’s Project Canvas


  1. [blog] A simple Tool to Start Making Decisions with the Help of AI
  2. [book, optional] Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of AI, Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfare
  3. [blog] Why Metaflow
  4. [blog] Building and Managing Data Science Pipelines with Kedro from neptune.ai