04A: Develop


Date: Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024.


  1. Kedro Tutorial Part-0, Part-1.


  1. A framework to think about metrics. For example, by focussing on who the the solution is for, metrics such as affordability, availability, accessibility, become definable.
  2. Working with notebooks in Kedro (Kedro context magic)
  3. API documentation with quartodoc based on quarto, an alternative to sphinx
  4. Testing with PyTest.
  5. Linting and formating with ruff.
  6. W04-L01 Metrics slides #35-38 (more on metrics section)


  1. [Deck] W04-L01. Review the material.
  2. [Docs] Kedro-Docker work with notebooks inside Kedro.
  3. [Docs] quartodoc Turn your docstrings into documentation with quartodoc. Plus any other content (notebooks, qmd files) can be rendered using quarto of course.
  4. [Docs] PyTest in Kedro
  5. [Docs] [ruff in Kedro](See Kedro docs